MASA 2014-15
Throughout Spring 2015, MASA members met on the 3rd Wednesday of every month for informal chats about English education. Since group membership spans the Milwaukee-area, MASA Chats took place across the city, hosted by students, faculty, and staff from various participating MASA schools.
MASA Chat hosts:
JAN • Maggie Jordan and Jenn Fishman from Marquette University along with special guest Rachel
Kenison, Director of
Marketing and Outreach from Rethinking Schools
FEB • Jen Heinert and Cassie Phillips from the University of Wisconsin Colleges
MARCH • Nathan Bayer, Heidi Williams, and Stacey Floyd from Cardinal Stritch University
APRIL • Lara Karpenko and Deirdre Keenan from Carroll University
WCTE hosted MASA student volunteers at their annual convention in Madison, WI.
MASA & WCTE hosted a weekend workshop for new teachers. The session included new teachers from both publc and private schools and featured WCTE's Kathy Nelson plus Kia Jane Richmond from Northern Michigan University.
MASA and Bedford/St. Martin's hosted a Guy Fawkes Day Celebration for members interested in teaching 1st-year composition.